Organic Management – Free Webinar


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type

Free Webinar
Rural and Small Town Organics Best Management Practices in New York
Join us for a Webinar (See attached flyer)
Tuesday, March 26, 10 – 11:30 a.m. EDT
To register:
This webinar will present ideas and program options for managing organics in rural, semi-rural, and small town communities—including grasscycling and leaf mulching, backyard composting, collection options, on-site composting, commercial & institution recovery and composting, and more. Planning strategies, best management practices examples, opportunities for regional cooperation, costs and benefits, and state goals and regulations for organics management will be discussed.
Title:  Rural and Small Town Organics Best Management Practices in New York
Date:  Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Time:  10:00 – 11:30 AM EDT
Athena Lee Bradley, Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.
Sally Rowland, Ph.D, P.E., NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Bureau of Solid Waste, Reduction and Recycling
Gary Feinland, NYS DEC, Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling
Who should participate in the Webinar?
Local officials, solid waste staff and environmental commission members, solid waste district staff, others interested in the management of organic materials in their community.
Why participate?
Rural and small town communities have low population densities, limited resources and available finances, and may be particularly impacted by issues and regulations governing burning of wastes, waste diversion goals, and proper organics waste management. Rural and small town governing bodies frequently do not have the expertise on staff to effectively managing organic wastes. Thus, information about best management practices in organics is especially useful to rural government officials, community leaders, solid waste staff, and others.
NERC’s Organics Management Project is funded through a USDA grant. 
For more information on the Webinars or on NERC’s organics management project, contact Athena Lee Bradley (