APWA SENY Branch Meeting


10:30 am - 2:00 pm


Antonees (Elk Lodge)
115 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY, 10603

The APWA SENY Branch will hold its meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 beginning with a presentation at 10:30 AM at Antonees On Broadway, 115 North Broadway, White Plains, NY.

The program is as follows:

1. 10:30 AM Presentation on Underground Infrastructure
Management. 1.5 PDH available for PE’s
2. 12:00 Noon Regular business meeting including swearing in
of new executive board,scholarship presentations and
committee formations
3. 12:30 PM Lunch


No cost for APWA Members
$30.00 for non-APWA Members

Please RSVP to Lou Martirano at 914-575-7144(Cell)or 914-381-7825 (Office)

Also please note that your e-mail address is not listed on the APWA SENY Branch e-mail mailing list. Please check your personal info on the APWA website and ad/change your e-mail address as appropriate so we can sent you information when necessary.


Jim Maxwell
SENY Branch Secretary